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  • Martine Therese

Writing Romance

Inside Scoop: Lavender Honey

So what’s all the buzz about our upcoming book Lavender Honey; A Galactic Romance? Well, for starters, it is our first play and it is inspired by cosmic beauty. Martina was eager to infuse her youthful charms into the storyline while I was ecstatic to incorporate my love for astrological synastries, archetypes and concepts.

The story takes place on the Earth and the Moon and is told in a way that captures the astrological significance of our Moon. Amid creating this book, I had many vivid dreams of the Moon. These dreams were experiential, and I can attest that life can be lived in ways the human consciousness has not even come close to.

And so, I infused the descriptions in Lavender Honey with intentional imagery and sensuality that convey the prospects within our reach. The storyline aims to pierce the veil of impossibility and encourages readers to grasp a deeper understanding of love, its cosmic influence and the role patience holds in the passing TIME on Earth.

It is my hope that this work reminds the world how important it is to honor the beauty of human life. And through consciousness, we find a way to upgrade the romantic experience within the human race knowing that cosmic purpose supports the energy stream of true love.

It has been my absolute honor and joy to have this book move through me & my sweet girl, Martina.

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