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  • Martine Therese

Unlocking the Hidden Gems of Gemini

The most common Gemini characteristics are usually surrounded around the “quickness” the sign offers. Talkative, informative, conflict-driven, intelligent, diverse etc… But what more should we know about the sign?

The legend has it that Castor & Pollux, the two star bodies that form the constellation Gemini, were “inseparable” half-brothers. Like many ancient stories, there are many versions of this one. The varying stories vacillate between both being mortal, both being immortal — but in the cases where only one is immortal, it is always Pollux.

We can draw from this story the “inseparable” or “indivisible” aspect to Gemini that is often overlooked to favor the “conflict” the sign often presents. Geminian agility makes it easy for us to see where the sign is conflicted and hard for us to remember it is truly the actualization of our primordial differences within the same existence.

And while there is still a large layer of souls that abuse Gemini energy and allow it to create wars and break souls, there are also some hidden marvels who use their differences to propel them into one glistening gemstone!

Cheers to our Gemini Sun!

"The day & the night made one full day but the day & the night never made one full night" -Martine Therese

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