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  • Martine Therese

Star Seeds & Bursting Berries

Strawberry Runes (Featured in Sunshine Begins)

by Martine Therese

This June 3rd, we will all experience the 2023 Strawberry Full Moon in the sign of Sagittarius. Her fruity essences disperse through the sky to conjure up the memory of her seed — the purpose of our soul’s mission.

"Strawberry Runes" reminds us of the incredible communication power of the strawberry. In fact, there is a discussion on this symbolism as it pertains to the meaning of humanity in Sunshine Begins; A Resplendent Portrayal of What it Means to Be a Human Being.

This TIME around, her full berry manifestation will reveal the accomplishment thus far of our soul’s intent. Individually, our unique sacred stories offer a chance to be seen and acknowledged for our growth as well as read to ascertain the lessons we need to continue our pursuits.

How fantastic that this Moon gets to witness each of our stories and create the Book of Life!

Any tensions at this TIME originate from the unconscious drive to fulfill a destined future; especially when that drive interacts with our sudden growth spurts & personal desires. Reconciliation of the age-old lustful wishes to evolutionary desire delivers a superior appreciation of this moonlight brilliance.

A churning connection to the unexpected ripens our experiences on this Earth and discovers a wealthy life amid soul consciousness. But one would have to choose the promise of the soul beauty over worldly temptation, have the faith in a brilliance beyond this plane and will to seek everlasting fulfillment to bask in the ultimate beauty of any Full Moon.

Like a strawberry seed

Thinking not of future fruit

Clinomania calling

It’s magnetic cocoon

Safe bedding

Letting happen

Intended change

Bound by its dream

Gasping for a raindrop

A sky’s tear

On the plush of her skin

Bridging berries to the seed

Sparkling sudden blossoms

Waking our wants

Never speaking

Of the diamonds in dirt

Sleeping through truth

Hedging fancies

For roaring fruits

Sipping juice

Topping the journey

-Martine Therese


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