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  • Martine Therese

Pluto in Aquarius – Let’s Get Technical

Updated: Mar 29, 2023

On March 23, 2023 Pluto entered the sign of Aquarius after its long stretch in Capricorn —dating back to 2008. Although this transit is significant, it is still a temporary shift into the sign, as in June 2023 it will revert back into Capricorn. Additionally, the cosmos decided on timing this transit during the week of the Spring Equinox and New Moon, enhancing the unconscious aspect to this shift. In other words, the degree with which Pluto sits until June —zero degrees that is — coupled with the zero degree mark of the Spring Equinox, contribute to the ultimate unconsciousness of the transit.

Many of you may find you do not notice a shift, and that is exactly what an unconscious transit would feel like. But, with enhanced mindfulness and awareness practices, the shift is very much present. With Plutonic energy, we must slow down and tune in. The shift generally takes place in the collective energies first, but depending on your natal chart there could very well be timely appearances of the shift. Subtle energies are very much cluing us in.

My personal experience at the exact moment of the transit was beautiful. Birds were panicking in the air, smoke was rising out of bushes and Pluto announced with a smile on her face that it would be a glorious day. Now, I understand this last sentence is a bit confusing but the cosmos love playing these games with me. A woman, out of the blue, who could not have had any more Pluto energy than she did, walked up to me in a quiet area and literally was gleaming with excitement about the energy of the day. She ordered that I “enjoy this glorious day.”

A good example of this transit’s energy embedded within the collective is the recent tornadoes that struck in the Mississippi River Valley just one day after the transit took place. Another example is the recent hype on banning gas stoves. Aquarius, an air sign ruling technology, is merging with Pluto to create some havoc for the purposes of evolution.

Below are the unconscious impacts for each sign from this Pluto shift — remember, you have many signs in your chart!!:


Endings of our old identities; Washing away ego through chaos

Rest after a long time of unnecessary battles


Social & Technological changes forming an identity crisis

Discovering autonomy through community, social groups or technology


Mindless action that shocks our ability to self-sustain

Diverse perspectives re-establish our "valuable goods" and the action it takes to earn them


Trauma from dialogue and suppressed expression

The "one-of-a-kind self" finds its voice


Facing that which has threatened your warmth and security

Acknowledging unexpressed rebellion within and establishing emotional health surrounding the suppression


Unconscious rigidities that prevent fun & true creativity

Re-Perfecting the critic that hinders our opportunities to feel playful & proud


Distorted ideas about others'/work needs

Flash of insight regarding how our work reflects the special qualities of the self


False images of self through relationships

Chance to present your evolution to others through relationships


Unrealized shadow body (your dark side) contributes to static in life

An enhanced integration of personal energies develops a rebirth of self


Unshed traditional philosophy hinders the ability to evolve

Tremendous growth by embodying individuality


Unrecognized accomplishment weakens the structure of life

Allowing time to transform innermost brilliance


Unresolved social betrayals or dismantled dreams accumulate into unfavorable intensity

Artful dreams or compassion manifest to upgrade to the true meaning of community

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