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  • Martine Therese

Innovation's Footprints

May 5th 2023 Lunar Eclipse

The upcoming Flower Full Moon will be lit up by a Uranian Sun in Taurus — a place where nature buzzes insight in front of our faces.

A steady image will find its way to bring a BIG, FULLY FORMED MESSAGE to us — so BIG that it extends into the transpersonal realms of existence.

Themes such as expansive technology, monetary trauma, antiquated philosophies regarding the money system & personal values and mass freedom emerge with this astrological climate and our emotions are tasked with the assignment of rising above the hardest parts of this message and reveling in the musky truth that remains from it.

Toxic anxiety that occurs at this TIME, points to the areas of life that lack awareness. All signs are feeling the electric, Uranian buzz now and natural resistances to change require evaluation to determine if the resistance is warranted.

Change right now, should be slowed down — but for the right reasons.

The lighter side of this eclipse will foster an organic community philosophy and humanitarians will have their moment to shine their light on the metamorphosizing emotionality humans are experiencing at this TIME.

Any personal stress at this TIME can tie back to these universal changes. Each sign handles change in its own way. Earth signs take a practical, analytical and slower approach. Water signs can flow more easily but feel the emotions that come with letting go and receiving anew - resulting in a need to retract. Fire signs are eager to take action and can be explosive if they feel unsafe. Air signs are often initiating the changes through communication and ideas.

Food for Thought:

When the automobile was unleashed, tire tracks marked our land.

If proper technology emerges, how will we pave the way towards collaborative consumerism so financial stress eventually eradicates? How can we mark our land with humanity?

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