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  • Martine Therese

April 6th 2023 Full Moon in Libra

This Full Moon in Libra recognizes the supportive and obstructive emotions that contribute to the health of our personal umbilical cords which connect each of us, individually, to collective energies. These lunar manifestations reveal the overall status of that life line that links us to society, God, spirit and evolution.

As Chiron sits next to our Sun and across from our Moon, a rainbow bridge is present, serving as a wounded healer. This Moon captures the healing and wounding that has occurred from past wars, selfishness and impulse decisions. With due care, we can hear the whispers of Chiron in our psyches, minds or hearts — as Chiron’s message holds a lesson that bears the potential of an emotional reset, an emotional do-over and lucky chance to start again.

How strong is your connection to these collective energies? Do you recognize that society has many pieces to its puzzle and you are a part of that whole? Do you acknowledge your divine connection to God and/or spirit and feel that sacred presence in your life? Do you align with the process of evolution and understand how letting go and rising up are parts of evolving? Do you have the courage to live with joy in a world where joy is hard to find?

Full Moon By Sign (and yes, you have all of these signs in your chart)


A lucky chance is present for an emotional reset. The warrior spirit is being called to become an emotional warrior that can withstand the battle of healing oneself and realizing that the warrior is defined by the future of others.


With proper attention to healing, the rainbow bridge healer, Chiron can deliver refreshing fun and yield reliable creativity. Newfound beauty awaits in the name of colorful fun.


Lessons from healing and wounding provide the ultimate messages to help others and analyze the details of life. Routine life has the chance to improve.


Actively nurture both the self and support systems as Cancer has the ability right now to emotionally disperse the healing energy from this Moon. Balancing the Cancerian nurturing, sensitive, protective and emotional sides are key right now.


This lunar moon avails the opportunity to evolve and rise like a lion that has changed for the better. Unresolved wounds from this transit may become your fuel to transform and the healing energies that do exist may swirl to infuse rainbow light into anything that has not yet healed on its own.


Like a detailed map of the world, complete healing seems to be a long distance trip. But Chiron, the rainbow bridge, awaits. Reflection on the journey thus far and the little adventures along the way serve to motivate the next trip into the future — a trip that offers a whole new start!


Steading the feeling of wholeness, this is your Moon to cherish. Always thinking of others, Libra this Moon infuses connection between the self and others — remembering how important the health of oneself is, especially in the realm of relationship. A strong, reliable self is required for any long-standing relationship.


Moving energy through dreams and repairing one’s connection to social groups contributes a surprisingly satiating peace in life. Take extra care to renew social relationships and bigger, better dreams will fruitfully serve the future.


Through deeply cleansing the unconscious, Sagittarius becomes a healing force in this Full Moon. The opportunity arises for Sag to lead the way and become a teacher that shows others the road to true healing.


Emerging from an evolution through the past decade, this Full Moon yields a new sense of self with new structures, traditions and accomplishments that await your attention.


Feelings of future upheaval that threaten survival summon inner integrity, wholeness and strength. This Moon offers the chance to replenish your spiritual warrior and pursue a new cause that is worth fighting for — your values, self-sufficiency


Honoring the importance of intuition and infusing messages with insight from the sixth sense assist the healing process this Moon offers.

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